Investor Information

Symbol in PSX

The stock symbol for dealing in equity shares of Hala
Enterprises Limited is ‘HAEL’

Share Holder Registrar

Address : M/s Corplink (Private) Limited Wings Arcade,
1-K, Commercial Model Town, Lahore
Tel : 042-35916714, 042-35916719
Fax : 042-35869037

Free Float of Shares

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Financial Reports Table

Year Annual Interim
Year 2022-23 Annual Report 2023 Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2021-22 Annual Report 2022 1st Quarter
3rd Quarter
Year 2020-21 Annual Report 2021 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2019-20 Annual Report 2020 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2018-19 Annual Report 2019 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2017-18 Annual Report 2018 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2019-20 Annual Report 2020 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2016-17 Annual Report 2017 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2015-16 Annual Report 2016 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2014-15 Annual Report 2015 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2013-14 Annual Report 2014 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter
Year 2012-13 Annual Report 2013 1st Quarter
Half Year
3rd Quarter